Quarantine Photo Contest

Quarantine Photo Contest


Thank you to everyone who participated in this contest. It was great seeing all of the photos from everyone. It is great to see so many people coping so well with self distancing and observing the stay-at-home advice of our health professionals.

We were pleasantly surprised with a generous prize donation from the WestLake Grill at Heritage Ranch. They offered a sweet prize package consisting of a $100 gift card, 2 baked pies, and a pound of the freshly roasted coffee. Which means, we were able to have 2 winners, each receiving a different prize package.

The winner of the prize package from Lime Green Realty, which includes 2x $50 gift cards, one of which goes to Stacey Laye and the other will go to the person named by Stacy in her entry post. Stacey indicated in her entry that she is a fan of Cilantro and Chive in Lacombe, AB as well as the One Eleven Grill in Red Deer, so the gift cards will be for these two great local eateries. Now the hard part is for Stacey to decide which gift card she keeps for herself and which one she donates to her friend. Congratulations and enjoy!

The second prize package from WestLake Grill at Heritage Ranch was won by Amanda Rose. Congratulations, Amanda. The WestLake Grill is a wonderful local restaurant and the food is delicious !there. We're certain Amanda will enjoy it.

Thank you again to the WestLake Grill at Heritage Ranch, the prize package donation is very much appreciated!

We are proud of our local businesses and we wanted to show our support in some small way. We encourage everyone to try to support your favorite local businesses through this pandemic. We all want to see our local businesses survive as we all do our part to flatten the curve on the Coronavirus. Be safe and be well!


In support of the Canada-wide movement to make EVERY Wednesday “Takeout Day”, we’ve decided to run a contest!

Supporting local businesses is essential as we all participate in social distancing in an effort to fight COVID-19. We’ve noticed how many businesses are adapting to the current situation and making necessary changes in order to still serve their customers.

In an effort to show our appreciation to our local community members that own eating establishments, we are having a photo contest. Everyone who posts a photo by commenting on this Facebook post will be entered to win and “Dine-in” from Lime Green Realty!

Here’s how easy it is to enter...

Post a photo of yourself and/or your family in quarantine below in the comments section. Tag TWO local restaurants, and ONE friend.

The winner will be chosen randomly and will receive a $50 gift certificate to one of local restaurants that they tagged in their comments AND their friend that was tagged will receive a $50 gift certificate to the other restaurant tagged.

That's it. Contest entries will be accepted until next Wednesday, April 22nd, and the winner will be drawn on a Facebook Live broadcast on April 23!

-Post a photo
-Tag TWO restaurants
-TAG a friend to win with you!

#CanadaTakeOut #TakeOutDay #Wednesdays #SupportLocal