Lime Green Realty Blog

Is It Possible to “Recession Proof” Your Purchase?

Posted on Nov 10, 2011 in Susan Rochefort

With the change in today's economy and the "recession" that we may or may not have had or may or may not be in, housing can take the hardest hit. So whether you are purchasing a home in a sellers market or a buyers market, is there such a thing as purchasing a house that will take less of a hit in a recession? I believe the answer to this question...

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Claims to Saving Sellers Commissions

Posted on Feb 21, 2011 in Susan Rochefort

I recently saw a tweet from a For Sale By Owner company that is claiming that they have saved their clients over $400,000 worth of commissions. Although this might sound impressive, I started analyzing the statement and came up with a few questions. Is comparing a house that is sold via For Sale By Owner and one that is sold by a real estate agent...

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CAUTION! Days on Market STATS

Posted on Jan 26, 2011 in Susan Rochefort

I read articles on the Internet all the time that suggests to prospective sellers that one of the questions they should ask when looking to hire an agent is "what are your average days on market." In my opinion, this question assumes that I, the agent, actually control how quickly or how slowly a property will sell. And from my experience, I would...

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